In the blogging industry the term 'Content Is King' matter a lot, well you must have heard this phrase probably more frequently. But do you really understand its true meaning? Content is reckoned to be an integral aspect of effective Digital Marketing strategy. You always require a great content to build a prosperous brand. Like, it is the most important ingredient without which your dish is incomplete.
Anyways I thought sharing with you this article might be useful to promote you level of understanding with today's blogging world. And also I should inform you after reading what's is posted here will boost your hope of wanting something more engaging. Making a right choice of getting your content go hand in hand with success is all you need and by so am introducing to you Contentmart and how the can help archive you goals.
Many marketers claim that writing good content is a choice. But as per the studies, facts & stats suggest, you should never take content for granted. Writing poor or average content will lead you nowhere resulting in poor or no sales at all. Does it sound like a choice anymore? Content is a necessity.
Today, content marketers will pave their path quite clear to drive traffic, boost SEO, improve search results and increase sales. To achieve everything they desire for their business, they focus on content equally. For all this, you need to have great content on your blog or website.
If you own a content site (a blog or a website), makes it worthy and do justice to it. Here are the key ingredients of a great content as explained by Khushi Srivastava of the Contentmart network.
#1. Unique Content
Always produce and publish 100% original content. Search engines boost sites with only genuine content. In other words, sites with unique content are considered as high-quality websites in the eyes of search engines. Improved site’s ranking in search results is another added advantage of producing fresh content.It is original content only that goes a long way with search engines as well as your visitors. Here original also means originality. Keeping ideas and the content original is praiseworthy as per complex algorithms of search engines and visitors too. Copied or duplicate content is penalized by Google & other search bots landing website owners into trouble.
#2. Strong Headlines
A good headline attracts readers. It holds their interest and invites the to read. As per the survey, around 80% of people read your headlines out of which only 20% of those people read the rest of your content.
The headline being an important part of any content piece should be engaging, crisp, informative and interesting.
Making content actionable also means including Call-To-Action. The content should be good and persuasive enough that the reader urges to want more from the brand ultimately resulting in sales.
Trust me, you don’t want to get into the trouble of copyright or any other content accuracy or duplicate complications. Try to stay away from anything that has even the slightest of the potential to damage your company and your personal reputation.
Promising introduction with precise & relevant information is the best start to any worthy piece. Make your audience want to read it more through the introduction. You can create thought provoking content by leaving readers with the potential questions that your write-up may arise. It will leave them wondering how to implement the knowledge you provided. You can also have a story woven into your blog post/website content. People love stories.
A picture is worth a thousand words.’ True it is! Adding visuals assets to your content enhances reading experience and help you illustrate your point. Make sure the images you add are relevant to the topic.
Less is more. If your blog post is long, it doesn’t mean it is a good one too. Your blog is good with good content, engaging presentation and relevant information.
By now you should have learned the basic ways of planning your content to impress a vast majority you readers, a good content will keep them coming back and hence increasing your traffic to a profitable standard. Choosing Contentmart for your blog/website articles is the best option that I guarantee.
The headline being an important part of any content piece should be engaging, crisp, informative and interesting.
#3. Actionable Content
A good piece of content serves specific target audience. It clearly depicts the respect a brand has towards the audience and assures them the benefit of the given information.Making content actionable also means including Call-To-Action. The content should be good and persuasive enough that the reader urges to want more from the brand ultimately resulting in sales.
#4. Accurate Reporting & Sourcing Information
A blog or a website is a reflection of your company. If people find any issue with your presentation of a blog or a website, they have a tendency to associate these views with your products and services as well. It is always recommended to mention source information when you pick some relevant data or stats from any other website work. Also, check and recheck twice the information’s accuracy before putting it under your tag. This practice keeps all the sourcing issues at bay.Trust me, you don’t want to get into the trouble of copyright or any other content accuracy or duplicate complications. Try to stay away from anything that has even the slightest of the potential to damage your company and your personal reputation.
#5. Thought Provoking Content
Ensure a pleasant & engaging journey for a reader throughout your content piece.Creating engaging content is the only way to attract and hold an audience. An engaged audience hangs on to your every word and consumes everything that you gave them.Promising introduction with precise & relevant information is the best start to any worthy piece. Make your audience want to read it more through the introduction. You can create thought provoking content by leaving readers with the potential questions that your write-up may arise. It will leave them wondering how to implement the knowledge you provided. You can also have a story woven into your blog post/website content. People love stories.
#6. Images & Videos
Supplement your content with relevant visuals. Use a variety of visual formats such as images, videos, GIFs, animation, infographic, graphs, tables, etc. to make it appealing and eye catching.A picture is worth a thousand words.’ True it is! Adding visuals assets to your content enhances reading experience and help you illustrate your point. Make sure the images you add are relevant to the topic.
#7. Keep It Short & Simple
Clarity, Correctness, Conciseness, Completeness, Concreteness, Consideration & Courtesy are golden 7C’s of an effective communication. Write short and to the point. Nothing gets more clicks than a brief & to-the-point blog post.Less is more. If your blog post is long, it doesn’t mean it is a good one too. Your blog is good with good content, engaging presentation and relevant information.
#8. Update Is Must
Making continual updates to your website or blog is important. You need to update your blog or website with great content regularly for the sake of SEO and new customer acquisition. If you give good content to search engines, it will automatically boost your search ranking. And elevated search ranking shall prove beneficial in increasing traffic to the website.By now you should have learned the basic ways of planning your content to impress a vast majority you readers, a good content will keep them coming back and hence increasing your traffic to a profitable standard. Choosing Contentmart for your blog/website articles is the best option that I guarantee.

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