
Wednesday 7 June 2017


Most people try to search online for making money options but one of the most common way they come across are the PTC sites. As a result of search there are thousand of this sites that claims about making good income though them. I will sorry to be the bearer of this sad news but of course my job is to inform you which is right and which is wrong.

Okay, in my post today am introducing to you one of the trustworthy sites called Clixsense, maybe yes or no had an idea of what it is but anyway I would love to tell you more about the site. For your information i made $893 last month which is pretty cool.

So if you are looking for ways to make money online, maybe you should consider adding this clixsense in your list as one of the best option. It takes not more tan 5-10 minutes of your daily time.

But please hold on, before you signup and start making money from ClixSense, it will be my pleasure to give you some ideas, reasons and a review on  how exactly you can make money from PTC sites and also how you can multiply or triple your income using some simple tips & tricks. Okay let's start:


What Is ClixSense? 

ClixSense is a PTC Site where you can earn money by viewing ads, doing simple tasks and taking surveys. You can also advertise you website or product from them for a reasonable price.
How To Earn From ClixSense?
It’s easy. Sign up with ClixSense and login to your account. You can immediately start doing tasks and and taking surveys to earn extra cash.

Payment Methods

Payment are done through electronic cashouts whereby you may can choose any of the following: Payoneer, Paytoo, Payza and Neteller.

Join ClixSense Options

ClixSense accepts members above 16 year of age, but some countries are restricted like Afghanistan, Antarctica, China, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and Vietnam.

Is ClixSense Free To Join?

Whoever ask you some cash to open an account for you with Clixsense, just shout out loud lol!!. Absolutely FREE! No hidden charges! :D.

Average Daily Income?

The overall daily income varies, it entirely depends on your activities, but the average income for PTC Ads should be $0.04 per day. While Members from Top tier countries can earn $20 per week from Paid Surveys.

Let's check on the review now; Shall we?

We're on ClixSense review focusing on how you can make money from their Affiliate Programs and Surveys. We also need to learn briefly on the background, few tips to maximize your profit and some flaws of the Clixsense website. 

ClixSense was established on February 2007. It was initially founded by Steven Girsky and ownership was handed over to James Grago on May 2010.

ClixSense is/has become one of the most popular and most stable PTC / GPT sites today. Provide lots of ways to earn money from their programs making sure everyone has a potential to have a steady stream of income from them.

ClixSense started as a PTC site which only rely on viewing ads to earn money, but in time it grew and advanced by adding more programs like completing offers, playing grid, doing tasks and taking surveys.

The transcend from a PTC website into a hybrid website (PTC / GPT), means they offer many ways to earn money from their website other than viewing ads only.

N/B: Many PTC Sites claim massive income to it's member but at the end prove to be a hoax. On the hand Clixsense with their promise have proven to be among the few legit PTC/GPT sites available that maintain their trustworthiness to their members

How To Earn Money From ClixSense

ClixSense provide several alternative to earn   which makes it very popular to most PTC fanatics. Below is a list of their programs:-
  • PTC ad clicks: This is the easiest way to earn money online, you just need to click an advertisement and you will be paid for it. Easy right? no technical knowledge is needed
The average earning from PTC Ads is roughly $0.04 per day “for most countries”, but members in the “United States and top tier countries” can actually earn $1 per day from it. It means that more ads are being shown to Top tier countries like United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany etc.
  • ClixGrid: This is similar to PTC ad clicks, the only difference is you need to click the ads in the grid and view it for 10 seconds. You will not be paid for those clicks but you have a chance to win up to $10.
  • Tasks: Doing tasks is time consuming, but you can earn more from it than viewing ads. If you can make $1 from PTC ad clicks in a month, you can easily double or triple it from doing tasks. However, unlike PTC ads, the tasks are not always available, so make sure to take advantage of it once you see one. It is another way to make more money from ClixSense. Tasks value varies by difficulty and level. If you’re just getting started, by default your level is 0. But as you complete more tasks, your level will go up one notch at a time. As you level up, more tasks will be available for you which pay better, but expect that those are harder than tasks for beginners. Please take note, there are some tasks that are extremely difficult, I suggest to avoid them because they will eat your time without completing anything
  • ClixOffers: ClixOffers is a program very similar to Tasks. You need to complete the task provided by following the instructions, and once you are done, you will submit the confirmation and it will be reviewed. The payment is not instant, it will be verified and then approved if the task was done correctly. The amount of reward varies on the offer. Some give out $0.1 per offer and some give $0.02. Just like Tasks, ClixOffers are not always available so take advantage of them while they are hot.
  • Surveys: ClixSense has partnered with many survey panels like Toluna, YourSurveys and OpinionWorld. Most members from top tier countries can get more than that, they can earn roughly $20 from taking surveys and $5 from PTC Ads every week. The availability of PTC Ads and Surveys are Geo-targeted which gives them better opportunity to earn more.

Affiliate Program 

(for Premium Members):8-Level Affiliate Program

ClixSense also come with special premium membership affiliate program, this is the only program in the PTC world that will give you an opportunity to earn serious income. You won’t make money from it easily since it’s a commission based program, but it’s the real deal if you want to have a long term steady income online. Let me tell you more about it.

Referring a friend to ClixSense and upgraded his membership (let's say $17 ), you will automatically get $2 commision. And if this friend of yours refer a friend of his and upgraded his membership as well, you will get another $1. This process continues up to tier 8 referrals which is awesome! Basically, you will get $2 from your direct referral and $1 for tiers 2-8 referral’s upgrade.

The key to success to any PTC sites is “Direct referrals”. I know it’s not that easy, but it will pay off in the long run.

Even if his referrals don’t upgrade their membership, he can still earn good amount of money from their activities as he will be rewarded with commissions from his referrals earnings too.

Ordinary Level Affiliate Programs

These programs are all commission based so you can earn money without doing much.
  • PTC Ad Clicks commission: Your direct referral gets paid for every ad he clicks, but the sweetest part about it is, you will be paid too. More active referrals you have, more earnings for you.
  • Referral Signup: If your referral reached $10 earning from PTC clicks, Tasks, Offers and Surveys, you will receive $1 commission. And if you’re a Premium member and your referral reached $5 earning, you will be given $2 profit! That’s one of the perks of being a Premium member.
  • Tasks, Offers and Surveys: You can also earn from every tasks, offers and surveys your referrals completed. Standard members will be given 5% commission, while Premium members will get 10%. Another easy way to earn money from ClixSense.
  • Advertising Sales: Commission from every ad purchase your referral makes. Example, if your referral purchased a regular Ad credit, you may either get 10% commision up to $1, but if you’re a Premium member, you will instantly earn $2.

ClixSense Drawback

ClixSense, have many programs for their members to earn extra cash from. But still not everything can be made in a perfect way as you have to weight between the prons and cons of the industry. Let's see some of details that can make you still consider to go with Clixsense

Slow income from PTC Ads (Outside Top tier countries):

Non-US members or those who are not in a top tier country has an estimated earnings of $1 per month from clicking ads. Without enough direct referrals, it will take ages to earn good cash from it.

Surveys and Tasks unavailability (Outside Top tier countries):

There are times that Surveys and Tasks are hard to find, and it’s just frustrating when you can’t find one. In addition, the surveys have preliminary questions to filter who’s eligible and who’s not, it means that you can be disqualified while doing it. With regard to Tasks, it takes a few days before you will be paid due to verification processes, so members tend not to do it sometimes.

No Instant Payment:

ClixSense is processing cashout request every working days, but members are only allowed to request for payment once in a week, while check payment remains once every month (Not a big deal).

Payment Threshold:

ClixSense payment threshold is a bit high compared to other PTC sites. You need to earn $8 before you can cashout, and that is something a beginner can not accomplish in a month.

Although its a low earning concept but ClixSense is one of the most trusted website on internet. You can increases your earnings by
  • regularly checking your account,
  • viewing all ads, completing all tasks and offers,
  • referring more & more people through your affiliate link
  • And taking a premium membership that at present cost just $17.

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