
Friday 4 August 2017

Top 10 Methods To Use And Make A Decent Online Income

Blogging for money can somehow be a tricky challenge to undertake, I myself have been working online for some couple of years now and have learned quite a lot especially on the methods of how to make money online. As a matter of fact all these online earnings methods really work as long as you choose the right options.

Though one has to put continuous efforts in order to succeed in a good online earning income, it needs lots of patience and time when working online and prove yourself to your customers or visitors by providing them with outstanding services. This article is not guarantee that you'll turn out to be very rich in just short span of time, though I will stress on the importance of hard work that will convey excessive success in your online earning career.

There are numerous methods individuals are using to make money through the internet, but most importantly and also for a piece of advice try to select the niche you feel you are noble at, and build the strategy to work on it regularly as this doesn't need lazy minds. In my post today I would love to share with you the top 10 ways commonly used by most online entrepreneurs to make good amounts of online revenue.

1.Affiliate Marketing 

Recommending products / services that you are familiar with and persuading your audience to buy certain products and services on your recommendation using a special links provide is known as affiliate marketing. You will also be provided with affiliate link that has to be generated after registering yourself as an affiliate of given products & services. When someone makes a purchase using the affiliate link, you will be entitled to the assured percentage of that product's sale amount. This method you will be earning money by simply referring individuals to given product and service. Make sure to share your special link to all social handler you have for steady profit.

>>>Recommended Affiliate Marketing Programs
  • Mythemeshop: Best for wordpress themes & Plugins
  • Themeforest: Best for cheap Wordpress themes & Plugins
  • Bluehost: Best Online Web Hosting Service

2. Blogging / Article Writing

Blogging is so far one of the best methods to make money online, you must have an outstanding writing skills and deep knowledge about the niche / topic that you have selected to write about. Your blog have to serve valuable information to readers and that information must have to be unique in nature. You can start a blog today and make money within time. If you own a blog you can monetize it in variety of methods  and for instance you can use publisher networks such as Adsense to display relevant adverts, when somebody clicks them you will get paid for those clicks, make sure not to cheat the system, as you will be banned out of the system if any fake clicks on advertisements are detected.

You can also choose to go with direct advertisements method, you will need to influence out to relevant product developers and show them your blog stats to review traffic performance. In case your blog is receiving good traffic, probably there is a a great chance to attract a direct advertisers. Keep in mind you can also do a review of different products & services on your blog in the form of articles accompanied with demo videos and screenshots then reach-out to the product or service inventors and negotiate the price for the offer being reviewed on your blog. Once you have established good blog audience and you are now able to attract heavy traffic to your blog numerous advertisers will start reaching you to work together. It's my wish that you can write you own beautiful article but sometime you may need some kind extra good fine content for your blog, if that is the case I would recommend you to use contentmart for awesome content and a cheap price.

>>>Recommended blogging platforms

  • wordpress
See also How To Start A Blog and I recommend Themeforest and Mythemeshop for wordpress/blogger blog

3. Making Money With Freelancing

I suppose you are aware with freelancing program and that is looking to work for others especially being flexible and at your on timing right from home. Sure, freelancing is the career you might be considering to work on. Let's say you have expertise in article writing especially blog contents, you can certify your skill sets with some of online exams and start bidding on online projects related with your expertise. Once you have won the bid, you can go a head working on that specific project. In freelancing you have to make sure to work decently and provide quality work on either right on time or even before the given time to impress the employer,  this will entirely help to earn encouraging ratings and level of trust from the employer. Freelancing could make you earn thousands of dollars per given month.  You might have to work on hourly basis with a small number of freelancing job sites and set your per hour working charge too. Payment method are done with popular PayPal, Payza, Payoneer and many others.

>>>Recommended payment method #payoneer and blogging content #contentmart

Top Freelance Resources:

4. Making money Uploading Videos

Youtube has been one of the most popular online video sharing platform, but did you know you can make an awesome amount of money from it?. You can make money out of YouTube just by uploading videos.  Anyways the videos must to be created by yourself and you must have copyrights to them too. You can also use YouTube to increase free traffic for your blog / website. Use Adsense program for youtube as it is one product with google. Payment method is always through Western Union.

5. Software Application Development

This goes for those having a software engineering degree. Therefore you must be familiar with application development term. In today's and currently technology mobile application development is becoming a big and profitable hit. After creating your mobile app you may need to add monetization programs or even use in-app purchases to unlock certain features of your app. selling application development services to customers on your own website is also a good choice. Android Play Store, iOS (Apple iPhone) & Windows Phone Store are three major operating system platforms for smartphones where software developers might put their efforts and Start Making Money with Apps Development. Additional inform google provides the best market opportunity for apps though play store service.

6. Web Design / Web Development Service

If you are good at graphic designing & web development using languages such as HTML, CSS & PHP perhaps Web Designing & Web Development will the greatest career path you should comsinder as an option to make money online. With this knowlegde you can start your own website and start providing web design and web development services to your customers. Offer them discounts and free correlated consultancy services that will help you establish decent reputation among other competitors. You will need to have a Domain Name & Web Hosting Service so as to get started with your own website. Encourage your services on social media and if possible you could also spend some few dollars to promote your website services and prodeucts with Google Adwords program to reach your target customers more easily.

7. Selling Premium Domains / Websites

Well with this method you will some heavy load of cash to start whereby you should keep an eye on premium domain names, buy them as soon as you have some funds to invest into it. Some premium domain names also get expire and you should also be keen on them as you will be able to resell the high profile premium domain names with very high profits. For instance domain bought for 12 dollars might get sold for 2,000 dollars to the client who needs it.

8. Selling Products / Services

Just like a retail shop where products and services are being sold for a price, you can do it online. You can create an online store with open source online shopping carts such as OpenCart, ZenCart, CubeCart, CS-Cart and tons of others. Configure it and add relevant products to it, and start selling your products online. If you need to sell services, you may simply list down services on your website and start promoting your services on social media channels. You will need to have a Domain Name & Web Hosting Service in order to get started with a shopping cart website. This way you will be making money by selling products & services. Your earning prospective will totally depend upon your hard work & product / service selling capacity. Even our team is selling few services right from our blog's services page.

9. Web Hosting Business

Have quite of introduction with web hosting services? Have sound information of Linux server management? Then you can surely setup your very own web hosting business. Make web hosting packages of your own choice and set your own price for those packages, its perhaps more suitable for web developers and web design companies to start their very own web hosting company by using HostGator's Reseller Hosting Package. This way you will be able to make more money by given that web design, web development & web hosting combo package to your customers.  might you like to read Top 10 Web Hosting Companies with stunning features 24/7 Online

10. Forex Trading

Devise an eagle's eye on trading money? Then you could get started with Forex trading wherever you will have to invest money in any currency when its worth is relatively lower, and then sell it as soon as its value goes high. Buy low & sell high is the simple principle of Forex trading. Nevertheless before getting started with Forex trading, one has to be very careful while selecting a trust worthy broker network on the internet and have to be well versed with technical jargon being used in Forex Trading Business. Forex Traders make money through the dissimilarity in price of currency by purchasing it at low cost and selling at higher cost.

I would be endorsing my readers to get started with only those online earning opportunities which do not necessitate financial investment. Only time and energy investment will be enough on personalize phases of making money online. If you find this post useful, please make sure to share it in your social circles and subscribe to our email newsletter so that you won't miss a single update. Which of the above approach you have been using to make money from the internet right from your home? Comment below. Stay blessed & cheers!! ‘:)’


  1. Hi,
    You have really shared the wonderful post, you blog is also very informative. You have done the great research in this topic. Responsive Website Designing Company

  2. thanks...I appreciate your value

  3. Great information. Thank you. I just wanted to add, one method that I use is my own ebook. I sell it on my blog and it brings in additional income. I have written it myself but I know of others who outsource it to be written for them. Many also sell it on Amazon and the blog. I am looking into adding it to Amazon for sale right now.

  4. very great...would love to see it.
